This blog is designed as a resource for CURR 501, Media Literacy, Popular Culture and Education at Rhode Island College, summer 2015. The course is driven by the essential question: How is new media and digital culture produced and consumed in ways that help us understand ourselves and each other in the context of the current educational landscape?

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Welcome to your quick Prezi tutorial. 

What is Prezi?
Sitting through powerpoint presentations over and over again can leave one feeling bored and inattentive.  Now, through the use of Prezi this feeling of boredom can be overcome.  With its 3D features and transitional screens, prezi captures the viewers attention with ease.  It's free, easy to use, and can be stored online!  Useful for teachers, students, and for anyone giving a presentation at any job field, this breakup of the monotonous powerpoint will help a presenter feel confident that their audience is engaged and entertained throughout. 

How to create a Prezi in 7 simple steps.

1. Click on the Prezi link
2. Sign up for Prezi (it's free)
3. Decide on a format for your presentation
4. Begin filling in your slides
5. Customize your slides by adding pictures, videos, and links using the "insert key on the top center of the screen"
6. Review and revise your prezi
7. You are ready to present!


Ease of use:
There is a quick learning curve for this program, once the tabs are understood, and the features of the program become evident, it is very easy to use.  


Teaching Value:
This tool is great for teachers and students to use.  It gives students a chance to collaborate on projects and create a professional presentation. It also gives teachers a chance to present information in a new way.

According to Prezi, here are the ways it is most useful in education:

Bring a Lesson to Life

Present a Timeline

Display Student Data

Introduce Yourself at Open House Night

Explore the Features of a New Classroom Tool

Share the Rubric for a Project

Present Writing Prompts

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the Prezi about Prezi. I think that would be a great tool to use to show students how to use it!
