This blog is designed as a resource for CURR 501, Media Literacy, Popular Culture and Education at Rhode Island College, summer 2015. The course is driven by the essential question: How is new media and digital culture produced and consumed in ways that help us understand ourselves and each other in the context of the current educational landscape?

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The world of Edmodo

What is Edmodo? Edmodo is an online and mobile social learning platform that provides a safe and easy way for your students to connect and collaborate, share content, and access class work in an online environment. (click on the edmodo sign to bring you to the site)

Is it safe and secure? Edmodo's secure platform ensures safety and privacy. Edmodo is a closed environment where students can only join an Edmodo group with an invitation from their teacher. Teachers have full management control and can limit students to read only status if desired. No student e- mail address is required to join Edmodo and students are not able to send direct messages to other students.


  • It is time consuming to set up

  • it takes some practice

  • and it takes time to get the kids used to it

So because of that I give it…

Interested…. setting up your own Edmodo?

(click here)

Alicia Heon
7th Grade English/ESL

1 comment:

  1. Alicia, I love this! Thanks for the info. It might be a good way to organize the information for my final project :)
