This blog is designed as a resource for CURR 501, Media Literacy, Popular Culture and Education at Rhode Island College, summer 2015. The course is driven by the essential question: How is new media and digital culture produced and consumed in ways that help us understand ourselves and each other in the context of the current educational landscape?

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Storybird: Giving your students' creativity wings

Hello, fabulous Media Literacy people! Can't wait to hear/read/watch different ways to use these new and exciting tools from all of you :)

For now, I'm going to be giving you a (oh so very) brief introduction to goes!

Storybird is a tool that provides artwork and images in a space for people to create (and publish) their own stories. Basically, the author (you or the students) chooses a series of artwork to use, and then is able to create a final product.

 Storybird provides the option to create any of the following:

​This tool, of course, fits into an ELA setting beautifully, but it would be really interesting to use in different classes and allow the students to demonstrate their content knowledge and utilize their creativity at the same time. ​Telling a story can be tied into any classroom...I'm sure you could all think of some way right now to use it!

A snapshot of the PLETHORA of artwork available to use:

Storybird is VERY user-friendly, with quick hints and tips popping up when you enter a page you've never used before. Young children could navigate through the process pretty easily with some assistance, and older students really enjoy the freedom that it allows them. The only time it is frustrating is when the artwork is slow to load or the screen doesn't respond immediately. 

One of my favorite features of this tool is the ability for users to "Invite Collaborators" to their story, allowing them to view and comment on their work, before it is submitted or published. 

For teachers, the most intricate part is setting up the class list(s). After that is done once, the rest is pretty smooth sailing. 

Overall ease of use: 9/10

What Storybird offers education/your classroom/your students/YOU:
-a space for students to unleash their creativity and writing skills to demonstrate what they have learned
-a way for all students to have access to the SAME tools/art/options available on Storybird
-a new and interesting way for the teacher to tell stories/introduce units/review topics with students (YOU could be the one creating stories and using the artwork to display something for your class)
-a private and personal way to share and display work with classmates, either through sharing or presenting
-a fun space for students to explore different areas and options of creativity

*Note: There is a fee if you are setting up a Class List/Multiple Class Lists that exceed(s) 35 students. It's a small fee, discounted if you have a higher number of students you are creating accounts for OR if several teachers in the same district are using it. The fee is a one-time fee and is good for one year. I would play around with it (totally free) yourself and see whether you can see yourself using it with your students beforehand. 

Kristina Drocic



    Created a quick tutorial on how to find your way around Storybird! :)

    1. I want to see! I want to see! (but your video is set to private)

  2. I see endless possibilities with this tool. I can't wait to use!
