This blog is designed as a resource for CURR 501, Media Literacy, Popular Culture and Education at Rhode Island College, summer 2015. The course is driven by the essential question: How is new media and digital culture produced and consumed in ways that help us understand ourselves and each other in the context of the current educational landscape?

Thursday, July 2, 2015


What is it?

Livebinders is a digital 3-ring binder that allows use to have an organized storage area that is accessible from anywhere.

Why Livebinders?

No more messy storage!

  • You can input documents, webpages, PDFs, images or videos and organize them neatly with tabs. 
  • Livebinders is a great tool for educators and is a cutting edge way to store materials in a paperless fashion.
  • Accessible from any device; there is an iPad app that can be downloaded as well.
  • Can be made public or private and can be shared with anyone that has the link.

What can educators do with it?

As teachers, we keep countless binders, many of them stored away and forgotten about. 

Some examples of ways this tool can be used: 
  • substitute plans
  • staff handbooks made by administration
  • student portfolios
  • professional development
  • teaching tools by subject.

Is it easy to use?

Livebinders is easy to use and is a simple tool for organizing materials and resources. After making an account, it automatically walks the user through the steps to create a new binder. Each user has a binder called "My First Binder" in their dashboard. It gives a video, PDF, and printable version of the steps to create binders. When finished it explains how to delete the tab so this binder can be reused. The options at the top of the website are self explanatory; it is easy to add tabs and subtabs. It also gives many options to upload content by clicking on the "content" button.

There are many tutorials for educators

How much is it?

A version of this is free and includes ten binders, two levels of tabs, and 100 MB of storage. The basic version costs $8 per month but allows for unlimited binders. The company offers a discounted price for educators, although this price was not stated on the website.

I found a great website for teachers to share Livebinders they have created with other educators for use in their classrooms. They are based on grade level and subject area!